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This experimental project is part of Raúl Rojano’s PhD doctoral thesis, as a researcher at the University of Granada.

Linares. Finca San José in Linares, a pioneer in the installation of a new water storage system. An alternative to the current water stress experienced in the fields, particularly in the olive groves of Jaén. Marifé Bruque, an olive grower from the “Olivares vivos” project and manager of Finca San José, is implementing this system that delivers water directly to the roots, without any wastage. This experimental project is part of Raúl Rojano’s PhD doctoral thesis work, a researcher at the University of Granada, and it consists of a Hydroinfiltrator device composed of activated carbon that stores water in the soil and increases the humidity of the surrounding area. This trial is being conducted in one of the demonstration farms where “LIFE Olivares Vivos” is working to restore biodiversity.

The objective of this project is to reverse the situation caused by drought, increasing the profitability of the olive grove and restoring its biodiversity. Marifé Bruque, the manager of Finca San José, explained on Hoy por Hoy the process that she “hopes will bear fruit next year.”

Source: Cadenaser